Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Who Cares About Essential Oils?

Are you tired of hearing all about them yet.  It seems to be the newest craze that everyone is talking about.

But really, they're nothing new.  Essential Oils have been around since ancient times- think the bible and Egypt.  For centuries, essential oils were used for healing, health and well being.  When they weren't easily accessible, people went to herbs.  Herbs and oils go hand in hand, the oils are the much more potent form of the plant.

For hundreds of years, our ancestors all over the world relied on natural remedies for healing.  Only in the last 100 years have we become so dependent on conventional medicine.   And although convectional medicine is one of the greatest accomplishment in human history, there is a part of us that doesn't want to rely on it wholly.  Deep within us is the urge for control of our own health.  Lets face it, there are many times throughout the day that something crops up- allergies, indigestion, muscle pain, sore, joints, sluggishness.  Its not reasonable to go to the doctor every day for every ache and pain, so we do what we can to help ourselves.  But is Walgreens and CVS always the answer?  

With the dawn of the internet and social media, self education exploded and as we began to learn what is in our food and medicine, we decided that something had to change.  More and more people are turning to a more natural lifestyle because it works!!  The studies are out there, that the things we are putting in our bodies are making us sick.

So these oils?  Who cares?

These oils are the most vital tool to bringing your body back to a healthy state and keeping it there.  They work with your body because they were made and function the same way your body does.  Both of you were created naturally, not in a lab or factory.

These oils are empowering.  Instead of running to the doctor for every ache and pain, or scrambling through the medicine cabinet, you have a natural, potent product right at your hands.  Who wants to live their life in constant bondage to their health and the health care system?  We want to be free from it.  We want the luxury of only going to that office when it is totally necessary.  And it feels so great to be able to take care of yourself and your family.

Don't think you'll use them?

You probably won't if you don't educate yourself on them.

But I make it super easy!

When you join with me, you get access to my special facebook group for DIYs, recipes, and oil education.  Its a great place to go with your questions as well.

I also offer fb classes and monthly zoom calls to keep you up to date.

 I wont leave you behind.  You wont get that box of oils and let it sit there.  That would be a waste of money and I am so NOT ABOUT wasting money.  I want you to get every cents worth from those treasure.

How do you get started?  There are many options starting at only $26.00 and going up to $2500 for a total health transformation.  Reach out to me and I'd love to help you get started!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Where to buy the best essential oils

We have used essential oils on the homestead for 3 years now.  The first couple of years, I was not impressed with the results.  I thought essential oils were the latest fad that didn't work.  But I kept them around and added them to soap and a diffuser to make the house smell good.

That was until I educated myself on the real core of essential oils.  

Those oils I was buying off Amazon and from the health food store, weren't working because well, they weren't true therapeutic grade essential oils.  

What???  But they said essential oils on the bottle.  They were from a reputable company.  Shoot, they were even in the health food store.

At best, they were nice fragrance oils.  Most essential oils out there have been tampered with.  Ingredients have been added to keep prices down and the scary part for me was - no one regulates what is being put in these oils.  

So I began following Jill Winger at the Prairie Homestead and began to see why the oils I had been using were not working.  She introduced me to Doterra oils and after the first smell, I swore I would never go back.   

We are now using the oils regularly, like 5 times a day regularly, and the change in our health and mood has been unmatched.  

So why should you choose Doterra?

1.  The retention rate with the company is over 65%.  That means that 65% percent of people who order and use a product, order regularly.  Compare this to the standard average of 10-12%.  People love the products because the products work.

2.  The company has a heart for giving.  Its behind all they do.  Sometimes I wonder how anyone makes money in the company because they give so much away!  This heart for giving has reached out as far their sourcing.  dōTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to dōTERRA’s oil production.
With over 100 essential oils in its product line, doTERRA sources its oils from over 40 countries —more than half of which could be considered developing countries. To ensure that small scale farmers and harvesters in disadvantaged areas are treated ethically, dōTERRA has introduced an initiative called Cō-Impact Sourcing.
Cō-Impact Sourcing is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships while creating sustainable jobs and providing reliable income in underdeveloped areas. dōTERRA is committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers by providing on-time payments at fair prices. 

3. Testing-  So how do you know if a Doterra oil is the real deal?  They put each batch of oil through 8 different tests, not only in their own lab, but in third party labs as well.  Doterra is so confident with their oils, that you can look up the THIRD PARTY testing for your bottle of oil.  It was there that I was sold.

If you would like to know how to get these oils into your home and start feeling better, reach out to me.  I would love to walk you through the super simple process of ordering your first box.  
If you are ready right now and cant wait to talk with me, just click on the following link.  Click join and save and follow the steps to get your order through.  


I am so excited for you to join with an amazing company.  You will now have trusted products coming right to your door.  Its like a health food store that delivers and gives you free stuff!  

Who Cares About Essential Oils?

Are you tired of hearing all about them yet.  It seems to be the newest craze that everyone is talking about. But really, they're ...